Thursday, November 4, 2010

You know what really grinds my gears?? Johnny the gallery pro.

As I sit here this morning, watching golf (The Shanghai tournament featuring Tiger, Phil, Kaymer and Westwood), one of my many pet peeves came to mind. I've gone to the Deutchebank tournament in Norton, MA the past two years and nothing..I mean NOTHING...was more annoying than fans being 'that person'. Which person? You know who it is. The person in the concert hall that wants to be the first to STAND and applaud the performer. The person at the meeting, or presentation, that HAS to ask the most generic, vanilla, buzz word filled question. "Are we going to be integrating any new business strategies?" The person I am referring to, is the guy in the gallery that talks to the golf ball of the professional at the golf course as if it will listen to him. I am PHILOSOPHICALLY opposed to talking to my own golf ball. I just don't. The damn thing wont listen to me AFTER I hit it the wrong way. Like when you putt, I don't yell out 'STAY UP!' or 'GO!'. I don't do any of that garbage. It's stupid and its sounds dumb.

So, its annoying when 'Johnny the gallery pro' talks to Y.E. Yang's golf ball to 'GO!' or "STAY UP!' My lord its so annoying. Like it will listen to you and not the professional. As if the golf ball will decide 'OH MY GOD! Johnny the gallery pro just told me to 'go', so I shall!' What is also annoying, yet not as much, is when you have Johnny the gallery pro make a few comments about 'now, he has to play the ball back in his stance', etc, then CONVENIENTLY, look around at the people in the gallery as if to make sure that someone heard his earth moving advice for Hunter Mayhan. No, sir, you are not looking around to see if you notice a friend, you are looking around to see if anyone heard your advice. I heard it, and its stupid. Its like a guy staring at a shirt full of breasts, then the girl catching you, and you pretend to have an irritation in your eye. Ok, maybe not like that, but you get the point.

What else is annoying is when the gallery pro, talks to his buddy, or girlfriend, about how to play the course. Like I need your god damn advice. I need your advice about the course you just shot 120 at last week with your buddies.

And that's what really grinds my gears!


(If you haven't seen that episode of Family Guy, you wouldn't get the joke)

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