Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's not a missile...... It's a space station.....

Wow! Either our government isn't as good at coming up with cover-up's as it once was, or someone messed up royally. This blogger's guilty pleasure is reading about war stories and international espionage....and watching 'To Catch A Predator'. But the former, to me, is very interesting. So, everyone with half a brain knows that this projectile, was not an airplane. Unless Richard Branson has a new toy that know one knows of yet.

But lets cut to the chase. How can anyone REALLY think that this was an airplane. I mean, last time I flew, I wasn't launched at a 90 degree angle with a plume of contrail (that is the new buzzword by the way) coming out the back of my aircraft. It looked too much like a video that is released by Kim Jung Il on a quarterly basis.

So what happened? I think it was either a test launch of a missile WITHOUT payload and they didn't want to admit it. Which is fine. Or it was an accidental launch of an upcoming test launch that was originally scheduled for next week.

Either way, there is no way that was an airplane.

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