Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The most BIZARRE and UNDERRATED sports story of ALL TIME

I was just thinking about how bizarre this whole Randy Moss story is. About how he was traded from the Patriots to the Vikings because he wanted a contract, or was bored. I’m a big Randy Moss fan by the way, and want him back. Now that he was essentially released by the Vikings and now there are questions about would Bill Belichick want Randy Moss back? I hope so. I mean, Randy Moss basically said ‘…I miss the Patriots’ after the Vikings lost to the Patriots and after the coach of the Vikings, Brad Childress, opened up the spy gate chest again and refused to listen to Randy Moss’s advice on how to beat the Patriots. This is why Randy Moss would be USELESS play for another team, because he is already so steamed about this, where he is like, ‘…you know what, I should just go back and be on my best behavior. They have the best coach, the best quarterback and the best owner in the NFL, I never realized how good I had it until now’. But that brings me to probably the most bizarre story in the history of sports.

This story I would say is the most bizarre, because it doesn’t involve murder, or assault or anything that is against the law. No, it has to be a real ‘head scratcher’. A story that makes you say ‘what?!?’ and go straight to Wikipedia to read more about it. Yes, before there was Tiger hitting fire hydrants, before there was Brett Favre sending pictures of his junk to cute interns and before there was Kobe being Kobe, we had Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich.

This story, if you don’t know it already, would have made MAJOR LEAGUE headlines all over the world if it were to happen today. One day Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich, who both played for the Yankees in the 60’s and 70’s, became close friends. Apparently close enough to decided one day to change things up a bit. They decided to make their very own trade. Not for uniform numbers, or roommate assignments or even locker room positions. No, they decided to trade families. Yes sir, they decided to swap wives, children, dogs, etc. Imagine what ESPN could have done with this story? Imagine all the tabloids?

Now, like most trades, there is a winner and a loser. Fritz Peterson is STILL married to former Mrs. Kekich while Mike and the former Mrs. Peterson didn’t last very long.

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